Westercon 69 is in Portland this weekend (July 1-4, 2016), and here’s the filk schedule, courtesy Westercon’s filk track lead, Linnea Thompson.
4:00:pm Bard Class 101: Presence and Presentation
5:00:pm Intro to Filk and a Guide to the Westercon Filk Track
6:00:pm Concert: North of the Black Sea
7:00:pm Concert: PDX Broadsides
8:00:pm GoH Concert: Alexander James Adams: Requests and Q&A
9:00:pm Open Filking: “Filkbeast” Bardic
11:00:am Parody Song Writing Techniques
12:00:pm Two Shots: Group One
1:00:pm Concert: Riona
2:00:pm Room closed for sound check
3:00:pm Concert: Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff
4:00:pm Concert: Andrew Ross
5:00:pm Concert: Jordin Kare
6:00:pm Concert: Steve Savitsky
7:00:pm Concert: Cecilia Eng
8:00:pm Theme Circle: Space Songs
9:00:pm Open Filking: Chaos
12:00:pm Bard Class 102: Voice
1:00:pm Open Jam: All Instruments Welcome
3:00:pm (in main ballroom) GoH Concert: Alexander James Adams
4:30:pm Band Scramble Check-in
5:00:pm Band Scramble
6:00:pm Concert: Frank Hayes
7:00:pm Concert: Lynn Gold
9:00:pm Open Filking: Poker Chip Bardic
12:00:am Open Filking: Chaos
12:00:pm Two Shots: Group Two
1:00:pm The Ukrainian Bandura: How Stalin’s Henchmen Tried to Destroy a Bardic Tradition
2:00:pm Theme Circle: The Odd Corners of Your Songbook
8:00:pm Open Filking: Dead Dog
She also reports: “Portland is also having a Blues Festival that weekend, so if you like blues and plan to come to Westercon you may also want to check out the Waterfront Blues Festival’s concert lineup and sneak away for a few hours at some point. It’s downtown, so it’s only a few stops away on the MAX.”
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RT @emeraldfilk: Westercon 69 #filk programme schedule: https://t.co/FUO8dRwvRw #fanmusic #fansongs
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